Industry 5.0: an overview of how it is shaping the work reality

What you will find in this text:

  1. Understanding what Industry 5.0 is
  2. Industry 5.0 x Industry 4.0
  3. The benefits of Industry 5.0
  4. How people and companies can move forward with Industry 5.0

Industry has advanced beyond the realms of imagination since the first Industrial Revolution of the 1760s when steam and coal power saw a transformation in industrial processes. Industry 2.0 relates to the introduction of electricity into industry, another revolutionary era. Industry 3.0 sees us head into the early computer age in the 1970s, which was followed by the era of more advanced, smart digital technology and cloud computing, Industry 4.0.

What’s next, of course, is Industry 5.0, which perhaps isn’t a new Industrial Revolution in itself, but more of a correction, or enhancement of Industry 4.0.  

Understanding what Industry 5.0 is

Industry 4.0 has always been highly focused on automation, machine learning, and robotics. For some, a step closer to a dystopian future where humans are redundant and highly efficient robots perform all tasks far quicker and more skillfully than any person. But of course, we’re quite far from the realms of science fiction at the moment, and Industry 5.0 sees us moving in a slightly different, yet complementary direction.

To a time when people are brought back into the workplace, to work alongside robotic and computer technologies, to add that extra dimension that only humans can. It is the human element that can improvise, adapt, design, and create. Industry 5.0 is about getting the balance right. Rather than striving to automate absolutely everything so humankind can sit back with its feet up, it’s about automating that which can benefit, and adding extra value with human input.  

Industry 5.0 x Industry 4.0

Without Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 would be impossible. Over recent decades there have been so many awe-inspiring inventions across the world of technology, AI, IoT and robotics. Where Industry 4.0 was focused on process, Industry 5.0 is intricately linked to people, both the workforce and the customer.

It’s a human-centric approach that takes the automation and repetition of modern industry and looks at it with a human eye. Looking to adapt existing technology to become more flexible and adaptable, to create solutions that are agile and resilient. Additionally, Industry 5.0 shines a spotlight on sustainability and encourages action towards a greener future. 

The benefits of Industry 5.0

With the focus moving from saving human effort with computerization and robotics to coworking alongside these technologies and benefitting from this collaboration, many more jobs will be created.

The creation of more jobs

Businesses will be looking for ways to add an individualized touch to their products or services, and it is this drive for innovation that will command a large and varied workforce. 

A move from mass production to personalization

Processes will become more flexible and adaptable, allowing for ever-increasing levels of personalization. Industry 5.0 will go even further, with customer interaction with products, and even the design and production of products. This symbiosis of customer, worker, and robot is key to this new era.

An empowered workforce 

Bringing the human factor back into the factories and creating valuable and meaningful roles with elevated levels of creativity makes for a more positive attitude and empowered workers. Not just overseeing robots and other machinery, simply there in case of a problem, but working alongside these technologies, adding extra value in a variety of unique ways.

More opportunities to innovate 

This is an exciting move away from repetitive processes and mass production. This will be an era of innovation, making the best use of all the technological advances as they come along, and they will no doubt continue to emerge thick and fast. With the focus now on that which is new, different, and exclusive, creative thought and innovation will be encouraged across the board, and no doubt will result in some exciting leading-edge outcomes. 

A more positive future for the planet 

What’s more, Industry 5.0 is a smart move for the planet, with circular production models, and a move to the most efficient uses of natural resources. Such measures are not only good for the future of our planet but can also increase the resilience of industry. From our experiences over the last few years, we know only too well that this world can throw some unexpected curve balls from time to time!

How people and companies can move forward with Industry 5.0

Now is the time to get plans in place to move into the future with Industry 5.0. This evolution will be fast-paced, so it’s important to understand the concepts and goals of Industry 5.0 and be prepared. It will be a time for recruiting staff with flexible, creative skillsets. Innovative, entrepreneurial people with open minds. 

It’s time to consider sustainability and efficiency, embracing and moving forward with the digital age, but incorporating a talented and agile workforce. Are you up to the challenge of stepping forward into these new and exciting times? 

This is going to make industrial processes more adaptive and changeable. Being agile is always going to be beneficial, to ensure adaptability creates higher levels of resilience. From consumer preferences to changes in the availability of materials, it’s certainly wise to be prepared for change and be able to make those changes easily. In such a variable world, in an era that is going to be quite different from anything we’ve experienced before, training will most certainly play a big part so this too is something that people and businesses can prepare for. 

As we move towards greater sustainability, increasing efficiency and ensuring you’re making the very most of all business assets is paramount. A good maintenance management strategy will make sure that you are not wasting vital resources, be that materials, energy, or human power. It’s vital to have a system in place to manage your maintenance processes efficiently and effectively.

Find out more about the new era of maintenance management technology and the latest Smart Maintenance Platform by visiting